Issue details

Implementing the Council's Vision for Adult Social Care

In 2020 the Council agreed its Vision for Adult Social Care; co-produced with people with experience of using Care Services, Family Carers and staff.


From the recent diagnostic work undertaken by Newton Europe and discussions with other councils, it has become clear that, in line with national trends, the way that operational practice had to change to deal with the COVID pandemic and subsequent NHS pressures has meant that the ethos of the Vision for Adult Social Care and strength-based practice has not been fully embedded.


The pandemic saw a step change increase in demand, both in terms of the numbers of people needing support and the complexity of need presented. The pace and volume of hospital discharge grew rapidly, and resource needed to be realigned to support this demand. These pressures persist.


Cabinet will be asked to consider an approach to addressing this and the changes in practice and process needed to ensure that people experience good social care outcomes that maximise independence within the resources available and in line with the Vision for Adult Social Care.


Background Papers


15 December 2022 KDN - Issue details - Adults & Health's intention to commission some external consultancy to support a comprehensive diagnostic and subsequent change programme. | Kirklees Council


17 January 2023 Cabinet Report FINAL 2023-01-17 Cabinet Report Adults External Commission.pdf (


Adult Social Care Vision - A vision for adult social care and support in Kirklees

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/11/2023

Decision due: 21 Dec 2023 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health

Lead director: Executive Director for Adults and Health (DASS)

Department: Adult Social Care and Health

Contact: Alexia Gray, Head of Quality Standards & Safeguarding Email:

Members/Officers Involved: Richard Parry, Alexia Gray, Cllr J Ramsay


Agenda items