Issue details

Withdrawal of the 'bistro' catering service within the Excellent Homes for Life Extra Care Housing schemes

That the current catering service is withdrawn based on evidence that:


·     There is a low usage of the Bistro Services in its current format.

·     There are a significant number of tenants already receiving meal provision support within their care package.

·     An activity programme exists already within the Care Provider contract to support tenants to reduce their social isolation and maintain wellbeing.

·     Amendments can be made quickly to the existing activity programme to incorporate food-based activity and opportunity.

·     Additional food-based or other activity will continue to be explored as a longer-term provision.


Written submissions are received from tenants and members of the public via dedicated engagement questions plus broader concerns and constructive feedback also received alongside.  Verbal updates received during in-person tenant engagement.


All representations were logged and fed into the decision-making process.  The main concerns related to individuals with care and support needs and a potential increase in social isolation for all tenants.  Any decisions were paused until further exploration of alternative provision in the short-term could be undertaken which is now satisfied. Further exploration will also continue over the longer term as an ongoing action to enhance activities on site which are either food-based and/or provide alleviation from social isolation.  Additionally, care package reviews/assessments will be undertaken as required and with the consent of tenants.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Crosland Moor and Netherton; Dewsbury West; Heckmondwike;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 15/04/2024

Decision due: 2 Apr 2024 by Portfolio Holder for Housing & Highways

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Housing & Highways

Lead director: Service Director - Homes & Neighbourhoods

Department: Housing and Highways

Contact: Donna Harkins, Housing Strategy & Partnership Manager Email:

Members/Officers Involved: Donna Harkins, Strategic Manager – Homes, Housing Services
