The Council is under a statutory duty under the Public Sector Equality Duty to publish one or more equality objectives every four years. To date we have fulfilled this requirement through our Inclusion & Diversity (I&D) Strategy.
The proposed strategy sets out the three elements of our role as a Council with inclusion and diversity:
1. Compliance: how we comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010
2. Ambition: how we achieve our ambitions for inclusion as an organisational value (as set out in the Council Plan) and create an inclusive culture and support a diverse workforce and district
3. Partnership: how we enable inclusion more broadly in Kirklees
The new strategy builds on the learning and progress made in previous strategies and sets out priorities that support a wide set of outcomes for communities in Kirklees and our workforce.
The existing Inclusion and Diversity Strategy is available at Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2021-2023 | Kirklees Council (
An enhanced engagement process has taken place with both internal and external stakeholders, who have been instrumental developing the priorities and objectives in the Strategy. As a broad strategy which touches on many services and programmes across the organisation, internal stakeholders have included all departments which are referenced in the strategy objectives and members of our staff network groups / employee reference groups. External stakeholders have included KiNETIC, North Kirklees Interfaith Forum, The Brunswick Centre, Support2Recovery and Third Sector Leaders.
The enhanced engagement and consultation process has allowed for a multiplicity of views and experiences to be incorporated into this strategy. External stakeholders provided feedback on topics such as experiences of disabled people in Kirklees, loneliness and a lack of social connectedness in LGBTQ+ communities, and the impact of poverty on young families.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 09/08/2024
Decision due: 10 Sep 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Education and Communities
Lead director: Executive Director for Public Health and Corporate Resources
Department: Corporate
Contact: Sarah Harris, Policy and Partnerships.
Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Carole Pattison, Cllr Amanda Pinnock, Steve Mawson, Rachel Spencer-Henshall, Andy Simcox, Shauna Coyle, Stephen Bonnell, Nick Howe, Sarah Harris, Christopher Rowe, David Bundy