To advise Cabinet on the progress of identifying potential new operators for 2 care homes for older persons (Claremont and Castle Grange) and to explore business transfer of the care homes further.
The report will consider progress of negotiations with potential operators, risks and benefits from the sale of the facilities, TUPE implications, the need for further consultation and Cabinet will be asked to:
Ø Approve the carrying out of a short consultation with staff and families on the principles of the proposal and delegate authority to the Service Director for Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Provider Services to agree the nature and scope of such consultation
Ø Agree that officers progress negotiations to the point of being able to enter into a contract with an alternative provider subject to final agreement by Cabinet.
Several operators expressed an interest during the closure consultation in taking forward alternative solutions, by business transfer; or closure to reopen the facilities for the same or a different care sector (e.g. adults with learning difficulties).
In the last few months there has been more active engagement with those expressing an interest in taking the homes on “as a going concern” with the homes remaining open and staff and residents transferring.
Additional employee, payroll and pension, financial and client/customer information has been provided to those organisations to allow them to better consider their position.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Expenditure>£500,000 and affects2 or more wards;
Decision status: Recommendations Approved
Wards affected: Heckmondwike; Newsome;
Notice of proposed decision first published: 03/09/2024
Anticipated restriction: Part exempt - View reasons
Decision due: 8 Oct 2024 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care and Health
Lead director: Service Director - Learning Disabilities & Mental Health
Department: Adult Social Care and Health
Contact: Michelle Cross, Executive Director - Adults and Health (DASS) 01484 221000 Email:
Consultation process
Cabinet (at its meeting on 26 September 2023) authorised a 12 weeks consultation relating to the proposed closure of Castle Grange and Claremont House dementia residential care homes. The results of the consultation have been evaluated.
While there is no statutory duty to consult on a transfer of care homes as a going concern, it is suggested that there be some additional consultation on a focused basis.
Residents and their families have not so far been consulted and/or informed of this transfer of a business as a going concern alternative option and may have concerns around the implications for the residents.
Members/Officers Involved: Portfolio Holder - Childrens Michelle Cross, Service Director – Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Provider Services Martin Dearnley, Head of Risk Karl Larrad, Legal – Head of Corporate