Issue details

Homes and Neighbourhoods Anti-Social Behaviour Policy (Incorporating Hate Crime and both statutory and non-statutory noise nuisance)

Cabinet will consider an updated version of Homes and Neighbourhoods ASB Policy. The policy is reviewed every 3 years. 


The ASB policy sets out the approach that Homes and Neighbourhoods will take to tackle anti-social behaviour (ASB) in communities.  The policy includes an approach to tackling hate crime and dealing with both statutory and non-statutory noise nuisance. The Regulator for Social Housing requires landlords to have a policy that sets out how they work with relevant organisations to deter and tackle ASB in the neighbourhoods where they provide social housing.


The ASB policy compliments Homes and Neighbourhoods’ Domestic Abuse and Vulnerability policies. It describes a risk-based approach that seeks to understand the needs of both victims and perpetrators with a focus on early resolution to ensure that tenants and residents in Kirklees live in cohesive communities, feel safe and are protected from harm.


Engagement and Consultation


Neighbourhoods Forums have been consulted on the draft policy.  Neighbourhood Forums are established meetings where officers meet with Tenant and Resident Associations (TRA’s), Street Voices (Street Voices are tenants and leaseholders who live on estates where there is no TRA) and elected members. There are two forums. The North Kirklees Forum met on 3rd September 2024 and the North Kirklees Forum met on the 5th September.  Homes and Neighbourhoods. Neighbourhood Forums were supportive of the revised policy.


Tenant Led Panel were consulted on the final draft of the policy at their meeting held on the 31st July 2024. The Panel have been fully engaged in the development of the policy and have endorsed the final draft.


Homes and Neighbourhoods -Tenant Led Panel, is part of the services formal governance structure and is made up of tenants and leaseholders. The Panel have been fully engaged in the development of the policy and endorse the draft document. The development of the policy through a customer journey mapping exercise where officers engaged with 90 victims of ASB to better understand their experience. The learning from the his exercise has been reflected in the development of the policy.


Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2025

Decision due: 11 Mar 2025 by Cabinet

Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Transport and Housing

Lead director: Executive Director for Place

Department: Transport & Housing

Contact: Graham Sykes, Housing Services Strategic Manager.

Members/Officers Involved: Graham Sykes - Housing Services Strategic Manager, Cllr Moses Crook