Kirklees Council Homes and Neighbourhoods (KHN) believes that every resident has the right to a home free from all forms of abuse. We are committed to tackling domestic abuse by working in partnership, sharing best practice, and ensuring our staff respond to this issue in a coordinated and consistent way. This policy sets out our approach to prioritising and acting directly, in our capacity as landlord, to protect and support our tenants. Our approach is consistent with that set out in the Kirklees Domestic Abuse Strategy and is in alignment with Kirklees Council’s Housing Allocation Policy.
The Domestic Abuse policy compliments Homes and Neighbourhoods’ Vulnerable Tenant and Anti-Social Behaviour policies. By working together, these policies help to identify and address issues early, preventing escalation and ensuring tenants’ well-being and by these policies being implemented together, they provide a robust and interconnected support system that enhances tenant safety, well-being, and community cohesion. Each policy addresses specific aspects of tenant needs, and their combined efforts lead to a more comprehensive and effective approach to housing management.
The draft policy was presented and discussed at the Tenant Led Panel (TLP) on the 30th October 2024 and was welcomed and supported by the members.
Decision type: Key
Reason Key: Affects 2 or more wards;
Decision status: For Determination
Wards affected: (All Wards);
Notice of proposed decision first published: 29/01/2025
Decision due: 11 Mar 2025 by Cabinet
Lead member: Portfolio Holder for Transport and Housing
Lead director: Service Director - Homes & Neighbourhoods
Department: Transport & Housing
Contact: Claire Felvus, Acting Housing Services Startegic Manager.
Members/Officers Involved: Cllr Moses Crook, Claire Felvus