Issue details

Outcomes from the Statutory Consultation on the proposal about Primary Pupil Places in the Huddersfield South West area.

The report sets out the outcomes from the statutory consultation for Members consideration on proposals regarding primary pupil places in Huddersfield South West

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure/Savings > £500,000;

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Crosland Moor and Netherton;

Notice of proposed decision first published: 21/05/2015

Decision due: 30 Jun 2015 by Cabinet

Lead director: Assistant Director for Learning and Skills

Department: Schools & Learning

Contact: Jo-Anne Sanders, Service Director - Learning & Early Support Email:

Consultation process

A statutory consultation has taken place between 20th April and the 5th June 2015.This report will feedback on the outcomes of that consultation.

Members/Officers Involved: Councillor Shabir Pandor. Children’s Services. Jo-Anne Sanders. Deputy Assistant Director –LA Statutory Duties. Learning and Skills


Agenda items

Background papers

  • Cabinet Report - 24 March 2015 pdf icon PDF 880 KB
  • The School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) 2013 and The School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools (England) Regulations 2013  
  • Education Act 2011.