Outside body

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust - Council of Governors



To represent the interests of FT members, partner organisations and the local community

To ensure effective two way communication with FT members and the Trust

To uphold the values of the Trust

To hold the Non-Executive Directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board of Directors, including ensuring the Board acts so that the Trust does not breach the terms of its authorisation


Statutory duties


The Council of Governors has a number of statutory duties and these are set out in the Health and Social Care Acts of 2006 and 2012. They outline the Council of Governors’ role – what you can expect and what you are required to do.

·       To represent the interests of members and the public

·       To hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board

·       To appoint, remove or decide on the terms of office, including levels of pay, of the Chair and Non-Executive Directors of the Trust

·       To appoint or remove the Trust’s external auditor (currently KPMG)

·       To approve (or not) the appointment of the Trust’s Chief Executive

·       To approve (or not) an application by the Trust to enter into an acquisition, merger, separation or dissolution and to approve any ‘significant transactions’

·       To approve (or not) increases to non-NHS income of more than 5% of total income

·       To consider a report from the Board each year on the use of income from the provision of goods and services from sources other than NHS England

·       To approve changes to the Trust’s Constitution jointly with the Board

·       To receive the annual report and accounts and auditor’s report at a general meeting

·       To express a view on the Board’s plans for the Trust in advance of the Trust’s submission of its plans to NHS Improvement


Meetings/ Time Commitment

Meetings held bi-monthly



Contact information

Email: membership@cht.nhs.uk

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Trust Headquarters
Acre Street,

Our representatives