1. To provide means of communication between Members of the Assoc & others and between the Assoc & Government Deps/other public bodies on matters of common interest relating to the administration of markets, fairs, abattoirs or cold stores.
2. To take action in the public interest to promote or oppose new legislation, to amend existing legislation or in the administration of legislation concerning markets, fairs, abattoirs & cold stores.
3. To protect the rights & interests of members.
4. To promote & encourage a high standard of administration of markets.
5. To obtain & circulate copy of all Agendas & Minutes of Meetings to Members & their rep(s) & any other information conductive to the Association's objectives.
Role/ Expectations of Representatives
Please see Purpose under the Organisation.
Meetings/ Time Commitments
Councillors invited to attend approximately 5 meetings per year in an advisory capacity in different parts of the country.
Joanne Needham
The Guild Hall
SY11 1PZ