Outside body

Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)



Empowered by the 1988 Education Reform Act to produce an agreed syllabus and to advise the LEA on RE and collective worship.


SACRE is a legal/ statutory body that all councils in England have to have. It is comprised of elected members (4 delegates for Kirklees), representatives from teachers and Head Teachers in the authority, the diocese of Leeds (C of E) and other faiths and denominations. 


Role/ Expectations of Representatives

To attend 4 meetings annually. To join working groups as appropriate and to attend the annual conference.  Members who are appointed have to have an interest in education and schools and may come from a faith background. 


Meetings/ Time Commitments

4 meetings annually. Each meeting last about 2 hours. Plus possibly Working Groups and Annual conference.


Contact information

Anna Twist Email: annatwist@yahoo.com; Email: ian@penninelearning.com

Our representatives