The income from the Trust Fund shall be applied by the Trustees in their absolute discretion for the benefit of current or past pupils of Whitcliffe Mount School as follows:
‘There are four areas where the trustees are empowered to make grants. The focus of the trustees is normally on providing “MONEY FOR AND AT THE DISCRETION OF THE HEAD TEACHER OF THE SCHOOL FOR THE FURTHERING OF ACTIVITIES CONNECTED WITH THE SCHOOL”.
Applications are made annually to the trustees by the department heads. The value of the bids typically exceeds the annual income of the charity. With input from the head teacher, the trustees decide on the bids to support and the level of support given to each bid.
Role/ Expectations of Representatives
To attend meetings, make decisions on grants.
Meetings/ Time Commitments
1 per year and ad hoc telephone meetings.
Richard Smith
11 St Oswald's Road
YO10 4PF