Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation
Management Committee Terms of Reference 2022/23
Number of Members
Thirteen Councillors – One from each Member Authority
Member representation from at least five Member Authorities.
One agreed named substitute per authority is allowed.
Frequency of Meetings
A minimum of twice per annum.
Suggested duration: Max 2 hours (10:30am – 12:30pm)
1. To approve and keep under review a long term plan setting out the strategic direction of YPO.
2. To consider, approve and keep under review Standing Orders, Financial Procedure Rules and the Officer Delegation Scheme prior to subsequent approval by Member Authorities, and to carry out such actions as are required by these rules.
3. To provide leadership for Risk Management across YPO and ensure Risk Management is used as a strategic and operational tool.
4. To keep under review the method of distributing annual dividends, and decide annually on the amount and timing of dividend distribution.
5. To periodically review the membership of YPO.
6. To appoint annually at the Annual General Meeting an Audit & Governance Sub-Committee and a Joint Consultative Committee and receive minutes or reports from them highlighting any areas that require action by the Management Committee.
7. To seek assurances from the sub-committees that YPO is acting with all due care and attention.
8. All Members of the Management Committee shall sit on the ‘Appointments Committee’ with responsibility for the appointment and disciplinary procedures of the Board of Directors and appraising the performance of the Managing Director.
Ellie Gerrard and Kayley Sykes
41 Industrial Park