Industry Advisory Panel
Terms of Reference
The Industry Advisory Panel provides a forum in which the School’s Teaching & Learning, Research, and Enterprise strategies and activities are presented and discussed with representatives from industry and commerce.
The aim is to improve the standing of the School through the relevance and quality of its activities to reflect the needs of industry, commerce, and the wider world of work. In this context, the panel will:
• Promote closer academic/industry collaboration in the development of undergraduate, postgraduate and post experience programmes. Encourage student members’ viewpoint to ensure a wider collaboration.
• Assist in sourcing guest lectures, industry led projects, placements, course prizes, scholarships, sponsorship and the development of graduate recruitment opportunities.
• Develop collaborative research, knowledge transfer and enterprise activities.
• Review relevant Government (UK/EU) and Funding Council initiatives and policies.
• Encourage members from Industry and Commerce to act as ambassadors for the School. In this connection, such members will be appointed as ‘Affiliates’ of the School of Computing & Engineering.
Membership of the Industry Advisory Panel is by invitation of the Dean or a Head of Department in accordance with the following guidelines:
University members – senior academic staff (e.g. Subject Area Leaders, Professoriate) and relevant support staff as nominated by a Head of Department
Industry members – from a representative cross-section of organisations (private and/or public sector) who engage across the School’s subject disciplines.
Student members - The Heads of Department will select a number of student panel members from around the School of Computing and Engineering
Members would normally be expected to serve for a minimum term of three years, subject to renewal by mutual agreement for a maximum of three terms.
The Industry Advisory Panel will meet three times per year.
The Industry Advisory Panel will review the terms of reference annually.
Hannah Spencer-Chung
University of Huddersfield