Outside body

West Yorkshire Business Board (LEP - Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership)


Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership




1.         Role and functions of the Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership


1.1         The Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership (‘LEP’) is a non-statutory strategic body responsible for a significant amount of public funding to drive inclusive growth, increase prosperity and improve the productivity of the Leeds City Region.[1] It is an autonomous business-led private-public local partnership, which brings together private and public sectors from across Leeds City Region, toprovide strategic leadership.


1.2         The Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership Board (‘LEP Board’) is the decision-making forum of the LEP.


1.3         The LEP focusses on the following four activities:


·         Strategy: setting and developing strategy, including the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) (to be replaced by the Local Inclusive Industrial Strategy (LIIS)) that identifies local strengths and challenges, future opportunities and the interventions needed to boost productivity, earning power and competitiveness across the Leeds City Region.

·         Allocation of funding: identifying and developing investment opportunities, prioritising the award of local growth funding; and monitoring and evaluating the impact of LEP activities to improve productivity across the local economy.

·         Co-ordination: using the LEP’s convening power, and bringing together partners from the private, public and third sectors.

·         Advocacy: collaborating with a wide-range of local partners to act as an informed and independent voice for the Leeds City Region.


2.         LEP BoardMembership


2.1         LEP Board membership must include:


·         private sector representatives[2] who live or work within the Leeds City Region;and

·         Leeds City Region local authority representatives.


2.2         A majority of the members of the LEP board shall be private sector representatives.

Terms of office


2.3         The terms of office for each private sector representative will normally be a maximum of three years, with an optional extension of three years.  In exceptional circumstances, the LEP Board may approve an extension of a further three years.


2.4         The terms of office for the Chair and Deputy Chair will be three years[3], with an optional extension of three years. In exceptional circumstances, the LEP Board may approve a further extension of three years.


2.5         The LEP Board may terminate the membership of any privatesector representative at anytime.


2.6         The terms of office for any local authority representative (or their substitute) isat the discretion of their appointing authority; authorities may terminatetheir appointment or appoint a representative at any time, by notification in writing to the Combined Authority’s Head of Legal and Governance.


2.7         Any member of the LEP Board may resign at any time by written notification to the LEP Chair.


3.         LEP Boardmeetings


3.1         All meetings of the LEP Board will be held in accordance with the LEPBoard Procedure Rules approved by the LEP Board from time totime.


[1] The Leeds City Region spans 10 local authority areas: Barnsley, Bradford, Calderdale, Craven, Harrogate, Kirklees, Leeds, Selby, Wakefield and York. Craven, Harrogate and Selby fall within North Yorkshire.

[2] A private sector representative must be or have been employed by an organisation not included as central government, local government or a public corporation as defined for the UK National Accounts.  For this purpose, any Higher Education or Further Education Institution is not classified as a public sector organisation.

[3]This provision to come into effect once the existing Chair’s current term of office has expired.

Contact information

Angie Shearon, WYCA

Our representatives