Outside body

Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation Joint Consultative Committee


Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation


Joint Consultative Committee Terms of Reference 2022/23


Number of Members


·         Five Councillors (including the Chair and Vice Chair of the Management Committee) drawn from different member authorities.

·         The Chair and Secretary of the YPO branch of UNISON.

·         The UNISON Regional Organiser responsible for liaising with YPO.


Frequency of Meetings


A minimum of twice per annum, on the same day as Management Committee meetings (9:30am – 10:30am)




Two Councillors and two Trade Union officials.




One agreed named substitute per authority is allowed.




1.    To represent and co-ordinate the views locally of UNISON and Members of the YPO Management Committee on issues of common interest in relation to YPO.

2.    To raise issues, make recommendations and reach agreement on issues which have an effect on the employees of YPO, but without binding effect on either party.

3.    To monitor and challenge the outputs of any employee satisfaction survey.

4.    To promote the well-being of employees and monitor and challenge matters related to sickness and attendance.

5.    To promote, challenge and monitor YPO’s actions in relation to it being an employer of choice and its public sector equality duties.

6.    To review annually its terms of reference and report any additions and amendments to the Management Committee.

7.    To provide an update to Management Committee on any matters arising which warrant a wider discussion.

Our representatives