Outside body

Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation Audit & Governance Sub-Committee


Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation


Audit & Governance Sub-Committee Terms of Reference 2022/23


Number of Members

8 Councillors, but not the Chair or Vice Chair of the Management Committee.


Frequency of Meetings

A minimum of twice per annum, to be scheduled approximately one month prior to Management Committee meetings (10:30am – 12pm)



Member representation from at least three Member Authorities.



One agreed named substitute per authority is allowed.



1.    To ensure that the highest standards of probity and public accountability are demonstrated and in doing so ensure effective governance of YPO.

2.    To consider internal audit plans and performance to ensure the work of internal audit is planned and carried out with due regard to major risks, areas of significant financial effect and the need to cover the range of the service, and to challenge and review actions taken by senior managers on significant audit recommendations.

3.    To consider the external audit work programme and monitor the implementation of significant external audit recommendations.

4.    To review annually its terms of reference and report any additions and amendments to the Management Committee.

5.    To provide an update to management committee on the activities of the committee activity by way of meeting minutes and responses to any matters arising.


To act with delegated authority of the Management committee in respect of:

1.    To approve the annual governance statement to the Management Committee for inclusion in the annual statement of accounts, and review the implementation of any audit recommendations arising from the final accounts audit.

2.    On behalf of the Management Committee provide reasonable assurance of the efficient and effective operation of the overall internal control environment within YPO, through a systematic appraisal of its framework of internal controls, processes and date quality.

3.    To ensure that an appropriate risk management strategy has been drawn up and to monitor that risk management procedures are being carried out effectively, including the establishment of a reserves policy.

4.    To ensure the effectiveness of decisions made by YPO by means of conducting scrutiny reviews in accordance with both an approved programme and on an ad-hoc “call in” basis.

5.    To carry out reviews requested by the Management Committee.

6.    In conducting reviews receive evidence and call witnesses as appropriate for each review so as to determine how decisions were made, on what basis were they made, if appropriate account of options and risks were considered, if the decisions made reflected original statements of intent and if decisions were made in a timely fashion and if they were made in the best interests of YPO and in accord with YPO’s public accountability and code of corporate governance.