The Vision Zero Board provides leadership, governance, and political oversight of the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Partnership to ensure interventions to reduce numbers of those killed and seriously injured on roads in West Yorkshire are data-led and equitable. They provide the vision and strategic high-level leadership required from the Mayor and Council leaders. Increased democratic oversight through the Board will support greater momentum in delivery.
The West Yorkshire Vision Zero Partnership have committed to a Safe Systems approach to achieve Vision Zero, seeking to implement evidence-led interventions in behaviours, engineering, and enforcement to reduce harms from road traffic collisions. The Partnership have adopted a target of zero deaths or serious injuries on West Yorkshire Roads by 2040, with a 50% reduction by 2030.
Meetings are held quarterly.
The Board is comprised of leaders from relevant stakeholders, including the five local authorities, WYCA (as the local transport authority), West Yorkshire Police, West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, VCSE partners, public campaigners, and political representatives who can provide high-level scrutiny of the West Yorkshire Vision Zero Partnership. It is chaired by the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime (WYCA).
Vision Zero (Policing and Crime)
Wellington House
40-50 Wellington Street