Agenda and minutes

Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee - Friday 2nd August 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions

Contact: Sheila Dykes  Email:


No. Item


Membership of Committee

To receive apologies for absence from those Members who are unable to attend the meeting.


All Members of the Committee were in attendance.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 529 KB

To approve the Minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 26th March 2024.



That the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 2nd August 2024 be approved as a correct record.


Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 20 KB

Members will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have any disclosable pecuniary interests or any other interests, which may prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items.


No interests were declared.


Admission of the Public

Most agenda items take place in public. This only changes where there is a need to consider exempt information, as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. You will be informed at this point which items are to be recommended for exclusion and to be resolved by the Committee.


All items were considered in public session.



The Committee will receive any petitions and/or deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also submit a petition at the meeting relating to a matter on which the body has powers and responsibilities.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Members of the Public must submit a deputation in writing, at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting and shall subsequently be notified if the deputation shall be heard. A maximum of four deputations shall be heard at any one meeting.



No deputations or petitions were received.


Public Question Time

To receive any public questions.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the period for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes.


Any questions must be submitted in writing at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting.


No public questions were received.


Inclusion and Diversity Strategy pdf icon PDF 422 KB

The draft Inclusion and Diversity Strategy will be submitted for consideration and comment prior to submission to Cabinet for adoption.



Stephen Bonnell – Head of Policy, Partnerships and Corporate Planning

Sarah Harris – Policy and Partnerships Officer

Additional documents:


The draft Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2024-2027 was submitted for consideration and comment prior to submission to Cabinet.


Stephen Bonnell – Head of Policy, Partnerships and Corporate Planning and Sarah Harris – Policy and Partnerships Officer, gave a presentation highlighting the following points:


·       The final version of the strategy would be presented to Cabinet, for approval, on 10th September 2024.

·       The strategy set out the broad direction for inclusion and diversity and provided an overarching framework, with some of the specific actions and projects being picked up in other strategies such as the ‘Peoples Strategy’ and ‘Access to Services Strategy’.

·       The Council Plan, set out three organisational values, kindness, inclusion and pride. The strategy set out three elements to respond to the commitment to inclusion:

-          Compliance: with the Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010, and beyond.

-          Ambition: to achieve the ambitions for inclusion as an organisational value.  set against four themes, as set out below, which stemmed from the Local Government Association’s Equality Framework. An overview of the objectives under each theme was provided:

 1. Understanding and working with our communities

 2. Leadership, partnership, and organisational development

 3. Responsive services and customer care

 4. Diverse and engaged workforce

-    Partnership: to enable inclusion more broadly in Kirklees, as an anchor organisation, as a co-ordinator and facilitator, leading through partnerships, and as a service deliverer through services and programmes.

·       An overview was provided in relation to the key inequalities and challenges that had fed into the development of the strategy. The objectives in the last strategy had progressed the use of Integrated Impact Assessments; creation of the Inclusion Learning Framework; strengthening of employee networks and new projects such as ’Project Search’. This had led to the development of a number of ‘always on’ priorities within the new strategy, which described the way the organisation would work to deliver the new objectives.

·       The actions analysis that had been undertaken to try and ensure that delivery was achievable and identify where resources may be needed.

·       Delivery of the strategy, which included-

-   The establishment of a steering group for workstream leads to monitor progress.

-   The use of data and updates from a number of sources, such as the Communities Board, Kirklees Parenting Board, People Services, the employee networks and Access to Services.


Questions and comments were invited from Committee Members, with the following issues being covered:


·       In response to a question regarding the inclusion of key performance indicators, and how they would be reviewed in the future, it was acknowledged that further details could be documented in the strategy.

·       It was important to have clarity on those things being done at a national level and those that the Council was responsible for at local level.

·       The role of an elected member was discussed by the Committee and how they could contribute to this work, perhaps by funding relevant projects and activities through ward budgets. Although there was nothing explicit in the  draft strategy, this could be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9.


Corporate Safeguarding Plan - Update pdf icon PDF 344 KB

This report provides an overview of the Corporate Safeguarding Plan and an update on progress.



Laura Chamberlain-Powell – Service Development Manager, Communities and Access Services

Additional documents:


A report was submitted which provided an overview of the Corporate Safeguarding Plan and an update on progress.


Jill Greenfield, Service Director, Communities and Access Services and Laura Chamberlain-Powell – Service Development Manager, Communities and Access Services, gave a presentation, which covered the following:


·       Safeguarding was responsibility of all and the Corporate Safeguarding Plan therefore had a reach across all employee groups, elected members, volunteers and contracted workers across the Council and partners.

·       Service Directors from all areas of the Council contributed to the Corporate Safeguarding Oversight Group (CSOG), which provided the main governance framework for this work and had immediate oversight of the Corporate Safeguarding Action Plan, supported by a working group.

·       The action plan had been endorsed by the Executive Leadership Team and Executive Board.

·       Arrangements would remain in place with the CSOG through 2024/2025 to ensure that robust arrangements were in place and to ensure there continued to be effective oversight and that practice development continued to successfully promote a ‘whole family’ approach.

·       An Organisational Safeguarding Assessment had been completed in March 2023. This, alongside the implementation of the Safeguarding Policy and accompanying action plan, had provided a baseline of the position, against which to measure progress and had identified key areas for development. It had also identified a number of positive elements in the approach being taken.

·       The three key areas for development were:-

- The Corporate Safeguarding Policy; embedding and review,

- Introductory safeguarding training and service specific requirements,

- Safer recruitment practices,

and an update on progress in each case was given.

·       Examples were provided in respect of the positive impact and influence of the work undertaken to date which included, the establishment of a Safeguarding Champions Group and initiatives undertaken as a result, such as the development of a training package for housing tradespeople to raise awareness of safeguarding responsibilities.

·       The key priorities and next steps.


Questions and comments were invited from Committee Members, with the following issues being covered:


·       Further information could be provided to Members regarding the recruitment and selection process and ‘name blind’ approach.

·       Assurance was given that safeguarding issues and the impact on children and young people and families had been integral to the development of the work and representation of young people and children came through the professional representatives from within services and the Kirklees Safeguarding Children Partnership.



·       The Safeguarding Champions Groups were discussed, these groups acted as connectors between the work that was going on in in each specific service area, the Corporate Safeguarding Oversight Group, and the wider staff force. This was not a formal role but was undertaken on a voluntary basis and included individuals from across all different service areas, allowing shared experiences to be provided from their service area or from partners to the Championship Network Group, which then fed into the Corporate Safeguarding and Oversight Group.

·       In respect of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, all employees were DBS checked where this was necessary, and re-check mechanisms were in place.

·       In relation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Allocation of Scrutiny Co-optees for 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 267 KB

A report will be submitted which seeks approval for the allocation of co-optees to the Scrutiny Panels for the municipal year 2024/25.



Sheila Dykes – Principal Governance Officer


The Committee considered a report in respect of the allocation of co-optees to the Scrutiny Panels for the 2024/25 municipal year.



(1)      That the allocation of scrutiny co-optees for the 2024/25 municipal year, as set out in paragraph 2.2, be agreed.

(2)      That the existing serving co-optees be thanked for their continued commitment and contribution to the work of scrutiny in Kirklees.

(3)      That the retired co-optees, Toni Bromley and Oliver Gibson, be thanked for their contribution to the work of scrutiny.


Kirklees Scrutiny Work Programme 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 752 KB

Initial Work Programmes for the Committee and the four standing Scrutiny Panels; Children’s; Environment and Climate Change; Growth and Regeneration; and Health and Adult Social Care, will be submitted for consideration.


Contact: Sheila Dykes – Principal Governance Officer


Initial Work Programmes for the Committee and the four standing Scrutiny Panels; Children’s; Environment and Climate Change; Growth and Regeneration; and Health and Adult Social Care, were submitted for consideration and approved.