Venue: Virtual Meeting - online. View directions
Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of Cabinet To receive apologies for absence from Cabinet Members who are unable to attend this meeting. |
The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have disclosable pecuniary interests, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items, or any other interests. |
Admission of the Public Most debates take place in public. This only changes when there is a need to consider certain issues, for instance, commercially sensitive information or details concerning an individual. You will be told at this point whether there are any items on the Agenda which are to be discussed in private. |
Deputations/Petitions The Cabinet will receive any petitions and hear any deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also hand in a petition at the meeting but that petition should relate to something on which the body has powers and responsibilities.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10 (2), Members of the Public should provide at least 24 hours’ notice of presenting a deputation.
Questions by Members of the Public (Written Questions) Due to current Covid-19 restrictions, Members of the Public may submit written questions to the Leader, and/or Cabinet Members.
Any questions should be emailed to no later than 10.00am on Monday 21 September 2020.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11(5), the period allowed for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes. A maximum of 4 questions per person may be submitted. |
Questions by Elected Members (Oral Questions) Cabinet will receive any questions from Elected Members (via remote access).
In accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 ( a period of up to 30 minutes will be allocated. |
Potential Reorganisation in the Dewsbury West School Place Planning Area – Outcome Report
To receive the outcomes from the non-statutory consultation on the potential reorganisation of school places at St John’s CE(VC) Infant School and Westmoor Primary School.
Wards affected: Dewsbury West, Dewsbury South
Contact: Martin Wilby, Head of Education, Places and Access Additional documents:
Decision: Cabinet does not support the current proposals at this time on the grounds that it does not meet the criteria the Council would normally apply to such proposals and agrees that engagement be facilitated with all parties to discuss the outcome of the consultation and explore opportunities for other options/proposals either now or in the future.
To receive an update on the Small Affordable Housing Sites Programme and to consider the disposal of a site at Plane Street, Newsome, Huddersfield, varying the terms of the previous Cabinet authority of 29 August 2018 to enable the disposal of the at less than market value.
Ward affected: Newsome
Contact: James Hinchliffe, Housing Growth Manager Decision: 1) That the programme update, and the proposed investment of the Preferred Partner and Homes England in enabling the acquisition and development of the third phase site at Plane Street Newsome, be noted.
2) That approval be given to the disposal of land at Plane Street, Newsome, as detailed in the considered report.
3) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director (Economy and Infrastructure) to negotiate and agree terms and dispose of land at Plane Street.
4) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to enter such agreements on negotiated and agreed terms for disposal.
5) That it be noted that the scheme will enable the delivery of the third phase of the SAHS programme and contribute to the delivery of the Council’s Housing Strategy and Housing Growth Plan. |
Community Asset Transfer Policy 2020 To consider the approval of the Community Asset Transfer Policy 2020.
Wards affected: All
Contact: Giles Chappell, Asset Strategy Additional documents: Decision: 1) That the Community Asset Transfer Policy 2020 be approved.
2) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director or Service Director, in accordance with the Scheme of Delegation, and in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder, for the determination of post transfer loan applications. |
Huddersfield and Dewsbury Town Centre Finance
To receive details of the current status of the Blueprint Programmes in terms of finance and to make a decision to enter projects within the programme onto the Kirklees Capital Plan.
Wards affected: Dewsbury East, Dewsbury West, Dewsbury South, Newsome
Contact: Simon Taylor, Head of Town Centre Programmes Decision: 1) That the projects and status of the budgets for the town centre programmes as set out in section 2.5, 2.6 and Appendix 1 of the considered report be noted.
2) That the Council’s current contribution to the identified projects, as set out at para. 2.7, be approved.
3) That the agreed sums of match funding, as set out at para. 2.7, be approved and drawn into the capital plan, and that Officers be authorised to incur expenditure on the working up of plans and proposals for the project/s.
4) That approval be given to utilising up to £1m of town centre capital to develop and deliver a town centre programme of public realm improvements across both towns (para. 2.10 refers).
5) That approval be given to accepting appropriate development funds for projects as set out at para. 2.19, for use by Kirklees Council and its agents, and that Officers be authorised to enter into grant and other agreements, where necessary, and to incur expenditure on the working up of plans and proposals for the projects. |
To consider approval for the demolition of Huddersfield Market Hall Multi-Storey Car Park.
Wards affected: Newsome
Contact: David Martin, Head of Corporate Landlord Decision: 1) That approval be given to the demolition of Huddersfield Market Hall multi storey car park.
2) That approval be given to the creation of a temporary surface car park on the cleared site of the former multi storey car park.
3) That approval be given to the proposed allocation of £875k to enable the works stated in (i) and (ii) above to be implemented, which would be funded from the Sustainable Economy Strategic Section of the Council’s Five Year Plan, as approved on 12 February 2020. |