Agenda and decisions

Cabinet - Tuesday 8th October 2024 1.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Huddersfield Town Hall

Contact: Andrea Woodside  Email:


No. Item


Membership of Cabinet

To receive apologies for absence from Cabinet Members who are unable to attend this meeting.


Admission of the Public

Most agenda items take place in public. This only changes where there is a need to consider exempt information, as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. You will be informed at this point which items are to be recommended for exclusion and to be resolved by the Committee.





Declaration of Interests pdf icon PDF 21 KB

Members will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have any disclosable pecuniary interests or any other interests, which may prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items.



The Cabinet will receive any petitions and/or deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also submit a petition at the meeting relating to a matter on which the body has powers and responsibilities.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Members of the Public must submit a deputation in writing, at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting and shall subsequently be notified if the deputation shall be heard. A maximum of four deputations shall be heard at any one meeting.


Questions by Members of the Public

To receive any public questions.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the period for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes.


Any questions must be submitted in writing at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting.





Questions by Elected Members (Oral Questions)

Cabinet will receive any questions from Elected Members.


In accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 ( a period of up to 30 minutes will be allocated.


Future of Dementia Care Home Provision pdf icon PDF 385 KB

To consider the progress of identifying potential new operators.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Michelle Cross, Service Director for Mental Health, Learning Disabilities & Provider Services




1)    That approval be given to a consultation process being undertaken for a period of six weeks with staff and families regarding the proposal to transfer one or both homes to a private sector operator.

2)    That approval be given to progressing negotiations to the point of being able to enter into a contract with an alternative provider, subject to final agreement by Cabinet.

3)    That approval be given to carrying out consultation on the principles of the proposal and that authority be delegated to the Service Director (Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Provider Services to agree the nature and scope of the consultation.



Councillor's Devolved Ward Budgets - Updated Criteria and Decision-Making Process pdf icon PDF 329 KB

To consider a revised set of criteria and decision-making process for Councillor’s Devolved Ward Budgets.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Vina Randhawa, Democracy Manager




1)    That approval be given to the Devolved Ward Budgets criteria and decision making process, as set out at Appendix A.

2)    That, pursuant to (1) above, any further amendments be delegated to the Deputy Chief Executive in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member


Fleet Replacement and Investment pdf icon PDF 652 KB

To consider fleet replacement and investment.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Nick Clegg-Brearton, Fleet and Transport Manager

                Robert Jowitt, Highways Programme Manager


Additional documents:




1)    That approval be given to proceed with expenditure of (i) £21.7m from the agreed Capital Plan for the Vehicle Replacement Programme (years 2025/2026-2030/2031), supporting critical fleet replacement and transformation models over the next six year forecast (ii) £3.26m to replace Waste and Recycling hired fleet with capital purchase, supporting the reduction of the Council’s expensive fleet hire costs by generating a fleet whole-life cost saving model (offsetting hire costs v capital), removing reliance on unreliable hired fleet and providing frontline operational stability by capitalising fleet requirements and (iii) £1.8m to replace the current fleet of hired bulk gritting  vehicles with capital purchase fleet to achieve a financial saving from year 5 and add flexibility for the future in terms of how the service could be delivered.

2)    That approval be given to the procurement and award purchase contracts for the replacement of critical fleet and hired fleet assets outlined within the three capital scheme proposals (£26.76m over three years).

3)    That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Highways and Streetscene) in consultation with the Cabinet Member, to commence procurement activity for Vehicle Waste Replacement, Waste and Recycling hired fleet and hired bulk gritters replacements in line with UK procurement regulations and Contract Procedure Rules.


Household Waste Recycling Centre Efficiency Savings pdf icon PDF 973 KB

To consider operational changes to the Household Waste Recycling Centres service, including closures and amendments to opening hours.


Wards affected: Birstall & Birkenshaw, Gomersal & Liversedge, Cleckheaton, Denby Dale and Holme Valley North.


Contact: Will Acornley, Head of Operational Services





1)    That Nab Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre be permanently closed from Autumn/Winter 2024.

2)    That Bromley Farm Household Waste Recycling Centre be closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays from Autumn/Winter 2024 onwards.

3)    That Meltham Household Waste Recycling Centre be closed on Mondays and Tuesdays from Autumn/Winter 2024 onwards.



Car Parking charges and restrictions for Resident Parking Permits and currently free off-street car parks pdf icon PDF 227 KB

To consider charges and restrictions for resident parking permits and currently free off-street car parks.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Sarah Durdin, Operational Manager, Highways & Streetscene

Additional documents:




1)    That approval be given to the proposals for resident and visitor permit parking as set out at Appendix 1, and that they be implemented as soon as possible.

2)    That the findings of the Integrated Impact Assessments be noted.

3)    That approval be given to the new parking charges/tariffs and restrictions, including two hours free parking charges in 15 car parks as set out at Appendix 2, and that they be implemented as soon as possible.

4)    That approval be given to the existing Traffic Regulation Order being amended as advertised to enable changes to the application for and issue of permits, including the introduction of ‘virtual permits’, negating the need for a physical permit to be displayed in the vehicle.

5)    That future decisions regarding revisions to parking charges be delegated to the relevant Executive Director, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member.



Supplementary - Appendix 2 - Amended pdf icon PDF 206 KB


Community Asset Transfer of Honley Village Hall and adjoining open space land pdf icon PDF 402 KB

To consider the grant of a 125 year lease to Honley Village Community Trust.


Wards affected: Holme Valley North


Contact: Mark Varley, Asset Strategy Officer


Additional documents:




1)    That approval be given to proceed with the grant of a 125 year lease to Honley Village Community Trust Charitable Incorporated Organisation and the related surrender of he existing leases.

2)    That the Service Director (Development), in consultation with the Cabinet Member (Finance and Regeneration) be authorised to negotiate and agree terms for the grant of a 125 year lease of Honley Village Hall (plan reference 18-0213) and the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) be instructed to execute and enter into all necessary documentation in connection with the grant of a 125 year lease of Honley Village Hall, Roundway, Honley to Honley Community Trust Charitable Incorporated Organisation.



Update Regarding Progress with the Regulatory Notice pdf icon PDF 533 KB

To receive an update on the service Improvement plan.


Wards affected: all


Contact: Naz Parkar, Service Director for Homes and Neighbourhoods


RESOLVED - That the update report be noted and that the content be shared with key stakeholders.