Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Leigh Webb Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of Cabinet To receive apologies for absence from Cabinet Members who are unable to attend this meeting. Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Butt, Councillor Pervaiz and Councillor Reynolds. |
Minutes of Previous Meeting To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Cabinet held on 12 March 2024. Decision: Approved. |
Declaration of Interests Members will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have any disclosable pecuniary interests or any other interests, which may prevent them from participating in any discussion of the items or participating in any vote upon the items. Decision: There were no declarations of interest. |
Admission of the Public Most agenda items take place in public. This only changes where there is a need to consider exempt information, as contained at Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972. You will be informed at this point which items are to be recommended for exclusion and to be resolved by the Committee.
Decision: Cabinet noted exempt information was provided under item 11. |
Deputations/Petitions The Cabinet will receive any petitions and/or deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern. A member of the public can also submit a petition at the meeting relating to a matter on which the body has powers and responsibilities.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Members of the Public must submit a deputation in writing, at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting and shall subsequently be notified if the deputation shall be heard. A maximum of four deputations shall be heard at any one meeting. Decision: There were no deputations. A petition was received from Councillor Charles Greaves in respect of proposed parking charges in Honley and Meltham. |
Questions by Elected Members (Oral Questions) Cabinet will receive any questions from Elected Members.
In accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 ( a period of up to 30 minutes will be allocated. Decision: Cabinet received oral questions under Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 |
Waste Disposal Contract Procurement To consider the Waste Disposal Contract Procurement.
Wards affected: all
Contact: Nick Hancock, Programme Manager Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That in relation to the interim arrangements, they be extended for a further three years with the contract expiry to be reprofiled to March 2028 under the Heads of Terms agreement with Suez and that a deed of variation be developed. 2) That approval be given to the revised procurement strategy based on a fully integrated contract to include household waste recycling centres. 3) That in Autumn 2026 further consideration be given to a full business case to approve the appointment of the preferred contractor prior to the commencement of a new contract. 4) That authority be delegated to the Strategic Director Growth and Regeneration, Service Director Legal Governance and Commissioning and Service Director for Finance to: -
(i) Sign off and implement the required contract deed of variation and draw down the approved Capital and Revenue expenditure for extending the interim arrangements. (ii) Commence a procurement process from December 2024 and to draw down the approved Capital and Revenue expenditure. (iii) Take a decision following a further review to identify if efficiency opportunities could be made by mothballing the Kirklees Materials Recovery Facility and using a third party facility and/or changes to household waste recycling centre services. (iv) Sign off and implement the required Deed of Variation to cover the Network Raise Infrastructure Limited replacement of the Weaving Lane Household Waste Recycling Centre. |
Kirklees Heritage Strategy To consider the Kirklees Heritage Strategy and Strategic Heritage Action Plan 2024-2027.
Wards affected: all
Contact: Deborah Marsland, Museums and Galleries Manager Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That the outcome of the Kirklees Heritage Strategy – Summary of Consultation and Feedback be noted. 2) That approval be given to the Heritage Strategy and Strategic Heritage Action Plan. 3) That approval be given to seek funds from external sources to begin implementation of the Strategic Heritage Action Plan. |
To consider a report in relation to fleet replacement and transformation models.
Wards Affected: All
Contact: Nick Clegg-Brearton, Fleet and Transport Manager
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That approval be given to commence procurement activity for the Vehicle Replacement Programme in line with the Public Contract Regulations 2015 / Council Contract Procedure Rules. 2) That authority be delegated to Service Director Highways and Streetscene to award contracts for 35 vehicles within the £2.5m allocation. |
To consider the proposed allocation of 2024/25 capital funding from the Directorate for Children’s Achieve & Aspire baseline section of the Capital Plan.
Wards affected: all
Contact: Emma Griff, Strategic Manager Facilities - Property Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That approval be given to the business case as at Appendix A of the considered report which outlined the rationale for the schools’ condition works programme, the availability of funding, the selection process and the main categories of work, enabling the projects concerned to be designed, procured and implemented. 2) That approval be given to the detailed list of proposed works in schools for 2024/2025, as at Appendix B of the considered report. 3) That authority be delegated to Service Director for Development, Growth and Regeneration to manage and implement the identified works within the agreed total budget programme budget. |
Post 16 Transport Statement 2024 / 25 To consider the Post-16 Transport Statement.
Wards affected: all
Contact: Martin Wood, Head of Service – Public Protection
Exempt information is detailed in an appendix to the attached report.
Consideration must be given to whether the public and press should be excluded from the meeting prior to the determination of the matter to enable the exempt information to be discussed by passing the following resolution: -
To resolve that under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following item of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That the Post-16 Transport Statement be adopted and should effect from 31 May 2024 and be applied to existing and new students at the start of the 2024 academic year. 2) That approval be given to set the personal travel payment to:-
(i) Band 1 - Living less than or equal to three miles from home to setting (one way) - £300. (ii) Band 2 - Living greater than three miles but less than or equal to ten miles from home to setting (one way) - £1000. (iii) Band 3 – Living greater than ten miles but less than or equal to twenty miles from home to setting (one way) - £2000. (iv) Band 4 – Living greater than twenty miles from home to setting (one way) - £3000.
3) That should a student receive Council organised transport, the parental contribution be set to £500 per academic year. |