Venue: Council Chamber - Town Hall, Huddersfield. View directions
Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
Membership of Cabinet To receive any apologies for absence. |
Minutes of Previous Meetings To approve the Minutes of the Meetings of the Cabinet held on 9 July and 13 August 2024. Additional documents: |
Admission of the Public |
Declaration of Interests Cabinet Members will be asked to advise if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, or any other interests, which may prevent them from participating in the discussion or vote on any of the items.
Deputations/Petitions Cabinet will receive any petitions and/or deputations from members of the public. A deputation is where up to five people can attend the meeting and make a presentation on some particular issue of concern.
A member of the public can also submit a petition at the meeting relating to a matter on which the body has powers and responsibilities.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, Members of the Public must submit a deputation in writing, at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting and shall subsequently be notified if the deputation shall be heard. A maximum of four deputations shall be heard at any one meeting.
Questions by Members of the Public To receive any public questions.
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11, the period for the asking and answering of public questions shall not exceed 15 minutes.
Any questions must be submitted in writing at least three clear working days in advance of the meeting.
Questions by Elected Members (Oral Questions) Cabinet will receive any questions from Elected Members.
In accordance with Executive Procedure Rule 2.3 ( a period of up to 30 minutes will be allocated. |
To consider the report.
Contact: Mags Rogerson, Head of Local Integrated Partnerships Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That approval be given to the revised targeted libraries delivery model, retaining some paid staffed hours across all 24 Kirklees library locations. 2) That the consultation process on the option of targeted reduction in staffed hours and opening hours that will seek community and partner input through surveys and focus groups, as well as ensure the proposed model meets the legal requirements for a comprehensive and efficient service that meets the needs of the communities served, be endorsed. 3) That the Integrated Impact Assessment be noted, before making a decision to consult. 4) That the outcome of the public consultation process be submitted to Cabinet prior to implementation.
Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy To consider the approval of the policy.
Contact: Neil Hutchinson, Homes and Neighbourhoods Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED - That the Damp, Mould and Condensation Policy be approved. |
Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2024-2027 To consider the adoption of the policy.
Contact: Stephen Bonnell, Policy Partnerships and Corporate Planning Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED - That the Inclusion and Diversity Strategy 2024-2027 be approved. |
Council Budget Strategy 2025/2026 and future years (Reference to Council) To receive the Council Budget Strategy.
Contact: Kevin Mulvaney, Service Director - Finance Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED - That the report be referred to Council with a recommendation that;
(i) the key risks to the delivery of the budget in 2024/2025 be noted and submitted to Cabinet on a quarterly basis as part of budget monitoring reports. (ii) the continued uncertainty with the future funding outlook for the Council be noted. (iii) the update and the revised budget gap to the Medium Term Financial Strategy for the period 2025/2026 to 2029/2030 (as set out at Appendix A) be noted and that, in view of the uncertainty with some of the assumptions upon which the Strategy is based, it remain under review as the Council’s budget process progresses. (iv) it be noted that there is a significant gap of c£30m in 2025/2026 which requires either reduction in budget pressures or increased savings proposals to be brought forward at pace. (v) the scenario analysis, as shown at Appendix C, which models the worst/best case scenarios around the baseline MTFP, as part of the assessment of potential risks facing the Council, be noted. (vi) the Medium Term Financial Strategy be approved. (vii) it be noted that, as delegations allow, and in view of the significant financial challenge faced by the Council, early action be taken to identify and implement budget reduction measures, consistent with the Medium Term Financial Strategy, as a means of reducing the funding gap, as set out in the report. (viii) in consultation with relevant Cabinet Members, Officers be requested to identify and bring forward proposals consistent with the Medium Term Financial Strategy for consideration by Cabinet and Council as part of the development of the budget for 2025/2026. (ix) the timetable as set out at Appendix E for the development of the Council Budget 2025/2026 be noted. (x) it be agreed that, subject to consideration by Cabinet Members, any budget proposals arising from the work be considered by Cabinet in due course (subject to (xi) below). (xi) it be noted that it is proposed to undertake consultation on the budget proposals in late 2024 with a view to informing decisions on the Council’s budget 2025/2026. (xii) subject to the continuation of the Business Rates Pooling arrangements, authority be delegated to the Chief Executive and the Service Director (Finance), in consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Regeneration, to determine whether the Council should continue as a member of the Leeds City Region Business Rates Pool in 2025/2026.
To consider the approval of the policies.
Contact: Sarah Holmes, Housing Services Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That the draft Kirklees Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2024-2029 be approved. 2) That the refreshed Kirklees Housing Solutions Service Temporary Accommodation Placement Policy 2024 be approved.
Kirklees Major Transport Capital Schemes; Annual Report 2024 To consider the report.
Contact: Rashid Mahmood, Major Projects
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That the annual update on the Council’s major transport capital programme be noted. 2) That approval be given to the necessary delegated authority to progress the schemes as detailed within the report. 3) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Skills and Regeneration) in consultation with the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to enter into any procurement, funding or contract documentation to enable individual projects and schemes to proceed, as set out within the report, in accordance with Council Procedure Rules. 4) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Skills and Regeneration) in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Member and Service Director (Finance) to enable changes to individual projects and funding allocations in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules to facilitate efficient delivery of this programme and the spend of available budgets to allow the outcomes to be realised.