Adult Social Care Capital Investment Programme - Tender for Design Services re Dementia Day Care Units
- 01/05/2020 - Published in plan, Forward Plan May 2020 Onwards
- 01/06/2020 - Published in plan, Forward Plan June 2020 Onwards
- 29/06/2020 - Agenda item, Cabinet Adult Social Care Capital Investment Programme - Knowl Park House/Centre of Excellence, Mirfield and The Homestead, Almondbury 29/06/2020
- 29/06/2020 - Published decision: Adult Social Care Capital Investment Programme - Knowl Park House/Centre of Excellence, Mirfield and The Homestead, Almondbury
- 01/07/2020 - Published in plan, Forward Plan 1 July 2020 Onwards
- 06/07/2020 - Call-in period expired: Adult Social Care Capital Investment Programme - Knowl Park House/Centre of Excellence, Mirfield and The Homestead, Almondbury