Contact: Andrea Woodside Email:
No. | Item |
To Elect the Mayor for the ensuing year To elect the Mayor for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year. Decision: That Councillor Masood Ahmed be elected as Mayor for the 2022/2023 municipal year. |
To Appoint a Deputy Mayor for the ensuing year To appoint a Deputy Mayor for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year. Decision: That Councillor Cahal Burke be appointed as Deputy Mayor for the 2022/2023 municipal year. |
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 16 March 2022 To agree and authorise the Mayor to sign as a correct record. Decision: RESOLVED – That the Minutes of the Meeting of Council held on 16 March 2022 be approved as a correct record. |
The Councillors will be asked to say if there are any items on the Agenda in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, which would prevent them from participating in any discussion or vote on an item, or any other interest. Decision: No interests were declared. |
Announcements by the Mayor and Chief Executive To (i) to note the results of the Local Council Elections held on 5 May 2022, and the acceptance of the Office of Councillors elected and (ii) to receive any announcements. Decision: The Chief Executive advised of the official return of Councillors following the local elections, held on 5 May 2022, as set out at Agenda Item 5.
The Mayor welcomed all Councillors to the new municipal year, and welcomed the newly elected Councillors, namely Councillors Anwar, Crook, Hawkins, J D Lawson, McCarthy, McGrath, Perry, Turner and A Zaman.
Council received tributes to former Councillors who had not been re-elected on 5 May 2022; Donna Bellamy, Robert Iredale and Terry Lyons. |
Apologies for Absence To receive any apologies for absence. Decision: Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors P A Davies, D Firth, Perry, K Taylor and Warner. |
To consider and determine amendments to the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules.
(Report attached)
Contact: Jane Lockwood, Head of Procurement Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the changes to Contract Procedure Rules, as set out within the considered report, be approved. |
To consider and determine amendments to Financial Procedure Rules.
(Report attached)
Contact: Martin Dearnley, Head of Risk Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – That the changes to Financial Procedure Rules, as set out within the considered report, be approved. |
To consider and determine proposed changes to the Council’s constitution.
(Report attached)
Contact: Julie Muscroft, Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED – 1) That (i) the amendments made to the Constitution in the 2021/2022 municipal year, as set out at Appendix 1, and (ii) the approval of Safeguarding Policy be Cabinet, as sat out at para. 2.04, be noted. 2) That approval be given to the amendment to the Policy Framework, as set out at para. 2.04, subject to agreement by Council for the inclusion of Cross Council Corporate Safeguarding Policy within the Policy Framework. 3) That approval be given to amendments to the Constitution as set out at paras. 2.08, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16 and 2.22 of the considered report, and relevant appendices. 4) That it be noted that further work will be taken to review the Constitution. 5) That it be noted that further work will be taken in regards to Standards. 6) That authority be delegated to the Service Director (Legal, Governance and Commissioning) to make appropriate amendments to the Constitution, and any consequential amendments. |
To consider the proposed recommendations.
(Report attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance Decision: RESOLVED – 1) That Council conveys thanks to the Members Allowances Independent Review Panel, and notes the outcome of the report, as attached at Appendix A of the report. 2) That approval be given to the incorporation of the role of Lead Councillor – Primary Care Networks and Local Health Improvement (9 localities) into the Members Allowance Scheme, replacing the existing 7 Place Partnership Lead Councillors. 3) That a review of the new role profile be undertaken after 6 months and that the review include the accountability of those in lead roles, having regard to any learning from the Place Based working role, and that a report be submitted to Corporate Governance and Audit Committee. |
Meetings of Council 2022/2023 (Reference from Corporate Governance and Audit Committee) To determine the schedule of meetings of Council for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year.
(Report attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance Decision: RESOLVED – That the schedule of meetings of Council for the 2022/2023 municipal year, as set out within the considered report, be approved. |
Appointment of Committees, Boards and Panels To determine the Committees, Boards and Panels of Council for the 2022/2023 municipal year.
(Report attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Decision: RESOLVED – That approval be given to the establishment of the Committees, Boards and Panels, as set out within the considered report, for the 2022/2023 municipal year. |
To determine, for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year, the allocation of seats on Committees and to any Political Groups formed under the Local Government (Committees and Political Groups) Regulations 1990 (or any substituted regulations) and the allocation of seats to any Members of the Council who are not Members of any such Political Groups if there are any outstanding unallocated places.
(Schedule attached)
It is proposed that arrangements for representation of Political Groups on the Committees and Panel listed below should NOT be in accordance with the requirements of Section 15 and 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 but should be as set out in the report to be circulated at this item:
Corporate Governance and Audit Committee Corporate Parenting Board Health and Wellbeing Board Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee
This notice is given in accordance with Section 17 of the 1989 Act and Regulation 20 of the Local Government (Committee and Political Groups) Regulations 1990. Each proposal will require approval with no Members of the Council voting against.
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED - 1) That the requirements of Section 15 and 16 of the Local Government Act and Housing Act 1989 shall not apply to Corporate Parenting Board, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and Health and Wellbeing Board, for the ensuing Municipal Year.
2) That the number and proportion of members of Committees, Boards and Panels be in accordance with the schedule as set out within the considered report, subject to the amendment of Corporate Governance and Audit Committee to reflect a proportional membership.
Membership of Committees, Boards and Panels, and Ratio of Substitutes Panel To determine (i) Membership of Committees, Boards and Panels for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year, in accordance with nominations from Group Business Managers, and (ii) the ratio of Substitutes Panel Members for each political group.
(Schedule to follow)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Decision: RESOLVED - That the Membership of Committees, Boards and Panels be as set out in the tabled report, and that the allocation of any vacant positions or subsequent amendments be delegated to Group Business Managers. |
Dates and Times of Committees, Boards and Panels To determine the date and time of meetings of Committees, Boards and Panels for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year.
(Schedule attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Decision: RESOLVED - That the dates and times of meetings of Committees, Boards and Panels for the 2022/2023 municipal year be in accordance with the schedule as set out at Agenda Item 15.
Appointment of Members to Joint Authorities To determine the arrangements for the allocation of seats on Joint Authorities for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year.
(Report attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Decision: RESOLVED - (1) That Council appoint the Leader as Kirklees Council’s Elected Member for the WYCA, with the Deputy Leader as the WYCA Substitute Member.
(2) That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with Group Leaders, WYCA’s Managing Director and other West Yorkshire Chief Executives,to appoint the 3 additional Members to WYCA and their substitutes, so that the 8 constituent council members taken as a whole reflect the balance of political parties for the time being among members of WYCA’s constituent councils, so far as reasonably practicable.
(3) That Council delegate authority to Group Business Managers to nominate members to WYCA’s Transport Committee (4 members – 2 ordinary, 1 transport engagement lead and 1 transport portfolio holder 3:1).
(4) That Council delegate authority to Group Business Managers to nominate three members to each of the three WYCA Scrutiny Committees; Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Economy Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Transport Overview and Scrutiny Committee. (any nominated member may act as a substitute for another member, from the same district and political group, on any of the three committees 5:2:1:1)
(5) That Council note that the WYCA Leeds City Region Partnership Committee is no longer established.
(6) That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive, in consultation with Group Business Managers, to (i) confirm any relevant Portfolio Holder to be appointed, or (ii) make any additional nomination, to any WYCA Committee or Panel, as requested by WYCA, after this Council’s annual meeting and that it be noted that this Council has 1 place (for the Portfolio Holder or most appropriate member) on each of the five WYCA Committees; (i) Business, Economy and Innovation Committee (ii) Climate, Energy and Environment Committee (iii) Place, Regeneration and Housing Committee (iv) Employment and Skills Committee and (v) Culture, Arts and Creative Industries Committee.
(7) That Council delegate authority to the Chief Executive to appoint a local authority representative and substitute to the LEP Board.
(8) That authority be delegated to Group Business Managers to determine the appointment to places on West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority and its Committees, and West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel.
(9) That Council delegate authority to Group Business Managers to determine the appointment of Elected Members/Representatives to the remaining Joint Authorities not otherwise set out in this report.
Appointments to Outside Bodies and Other Committees To determine the appointment of representatives to other Committees, Outside Bodies etc for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year, except for those appointments to bodies which is exercisable only by the Leader, or is delegated by the Council.
(Report attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Decision: RESOLVED -
1) That Council notes that GroupBusiness Managers will putforwardnominationsto the ServiceDirector(Legal, GovernanceandCommissioning) to fill places or makeany adjustmentsto nominees, as appropriate, following Council.
2) That thosebodies withexecutivefunctions be referredtotheLeaderoftheCouncil to putforwardnominations.
3) That, in relationto YorkshirePurchasingOrganisation Management Committee, Council agrees towaivepoliticalbalancerules whichapplyinaccordancewithSection17 of theLocal Governmentand HousingAct 1989 (this requires approval withno Member votingagainst).
4) That authority be delegated authority to the Leader to nominate one nominee and a substitute (in consultation with Group Business Managers); and the Leader (in consultation with Group Business Managers) to nominate a Director to the associated Limited Company: YPO Procurement Holdings Ltd.
5) That oneoftheCouncil Trusteeson KirkleesActiveLeisure,to bedeterminedby the GroupBusinessManagers, beauthorisedto represent theCouncil for the purposes of Membermeetings pursuantto Section323of theCompaniesAct 200 ... view the full decision text for item 17. |
Appointment of Spokespersons for Joint Committees and External Bodies To determine the Council’s spokespersons nominated to reply to oral questions at Council for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year.
(Report attached)
Contact: Samantha Lawton, Head of Governance
Decision: RESOLVED –
1) That the nomination of spokespersons to reply to oral questions at meetings of Council on behalf of Kirklees Active Leisure and West Yorkshire Police and Crime Panel, be delegated to Group Business Managers for determination. 2) That it be noted that the spokespersons for the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (and its Committees); West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority and West Yorkshire Joint Services Committee will be notified by these bodies. 3) That the appointed spokesperson for the West Yorkshire Joint Adoption Committee be the relevant Cabinet Portfolio Holder. |
To appoint Chairs of the following Committees, and Lead Councillors (Primary Care Networks and Local Health Improvement) for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year.
The schedule is based upon the approval of the proposal as set out at Agenda Item 12.
(a) Appeals Panel (b) Corporate Governance and Audit Committee (c) Health and Wellbeing Board (d) Licensing and Safety Committee (e) Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (f) Personnel Committee (g) Standards Committee (h) Strategic Planning Committee (i) Statutory Officer Dismissal Committee (j) Scrutiny Panel – Childrens (k) Scrutiny Panel – Corporate (l) Scrutiny Panel – Economy and Neighbourhoods (m)Scrutiny Panel – Health and Adult Social Care (n) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement - Spen (o) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Batley and Birstall (p) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Three Centres (q) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Dewsbury and Thornhill (r) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – The Valleys (s) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – The Mast (t) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Viaduct (u) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Greenwood (v) Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement - Tolson
Decision: RESOLVED – That Chairs of Committees and Panels, and Lead Councillors – Primary Care Networks and Local Health Improvement, be appointed as follows for the 2022/2023 Municipal Year;
Appeals Panel – Councillor E Reynolds Corporate Governance and Audit Committee – Councillor Y Hussain Health and Wellbeing Board – Councillor V Kendrick Licensing and Safety Committee – Councillor A U Pinnock Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee – Councillor E Smaje Personnel Committee – Councillor S Pandor Standards Committee – Councillor J D Lawson Strategic Planning Committee – Councillor S Hall Planning Sub Committee (Heavy Woollen Area) – Councillor G Lowe Planning Sub Committee (Huddersfield Area) – Councillor S Ullah Statutory Officer Dismissal Committee – Councillor S Pandor
Scrutiny Panel (Childrens) – Councillor A Marchington Scrutiny Panel (Corporate) – Councillor J Taylor Scrutiny Panel (Economy and Neighbourhood) – Councillor Y Hussain Scrutiny Panel (Health and Adult Social Care) – Councillor J Ramsay
Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Spen – Councillor L Holmes Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Batley and Birstall – Councillor H Zaman Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Three Centres – Councillor Anwar Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Dewsbury and Thornhill – Councillor Dad Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – The Valleys – Councillor Greaves Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – The Mast – Councillor Armer Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Viaduct – Councillor Allison Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Greenwood – Councillor Homewood Primary Care Network and Local Health Improvement – Tolson – Councillor Hawkins